BuildMaster SDK Reference

DistributedSourceControlProviderBase Class

Base class for distributed source control providers.

Inheritance Hierarchy


public class DistributedSourceControlProviderBase : SourceControlProviderBase, System.IDisposable, Inedo.Diagnostics.ILogger, IMultipleRepositoryProvider, ILocalWorkspaceProvider, ILabelingProvider, IRevisionProvider


Name Description

Initializes a new instance of the DistributedSourceControlProviderBase class.


Name Description

Gets a value indicating whether to display the multiple repository editor.


Gets the label text.


Gets or sets the repositories.


Name Description
ApplyLabel(string label, SourceControlContext context)

When implemented in a derived class, applies a label in source control.

CreateSourceControlContext(object contextData)

When implemented in a derived class, creates a source control context from a specified object.

DeleteWorkspace(SourceControlContext context)

When implemented in a derived class, deletes a local workspace associated with the specified context.

EnsureLocalWorkspace(SourceControlContext context)

When implemented in a derived class, ensures that a local workspace exists.

EnumerateBranches(SourceControlContext context)

When implemented in a derived class, enumerates branches for a specified source context.

EnumerateLabels(SourceControlContext context)

When implemented in a derived class, enumerates labels/tags for a specified source context.

ExportFiles(SourceControlContext context, string targetDirectory)

When implemented in a derived class, exports the files without any index information to the specified target directory.

GetCurrentRevision(SourceControlContext context)

When implemented in a derived class, gets the current revision.

GetLabeled(string label, SourceControlContext context, string targetPath)

When implemented in a derived class, gets the source with the specified label.

GetLatest(SourceControlContext context, string targetPath)

When implemented in a derived class, gets the latest source code and exports the files to a specified targetPath.

GetLatest(string sourcePath, string targetPath)

When implemented in a derived class, retrieves the latest version of the source code from the provider's source path into the target path.

GetWorkspaceDiskPath(SourceControlContext context)

Gets the disk path of the current repository/workspace that will be used for source control operations.

UpdateLocalWorkspace(SourceControlContext context)

When implemented in a derived class, updates the local workspace, typically using a "clone" or "pull" operation.