ProGet vs. NuGet.Server

KB#1072: Last Updated July 29, 2020

NuGet.Server is a free and open-source package that’s designed to be incorporated into a .NET web application and host a single, NuGet feed. With a bit of set-up and some customization, you can use NuGet.Server to build a lightweight, standalone NuGet Server that hosts a single feed. It’s like a network share drive for your packages, but hosted over HTTP/S.

On the other hand, ProGet started as a private NuGet package repository manager but has grown into a full blown Universal Package Manger with many multiple feed types and many enterprise level features.

Multiple Feed types

ProGet supports not only in-house packages, but a growing list of external repositories including NuGet, npm, Bower, Chocolately, and Maven. ProGet also supports Universal feeds and Packages giving users the same value and control of package mangers for you applications


ProGet’s feed connectors allow users to mange external feeds through filtering and by maintaining a local cache. Connectors save time and increase efficiency among commonly used packages and ensures package availability even during times of external outages.

Symbol and Source Server

ProGet comes built-in with a NuGet symbol/source server that makes .pdb files stored in a feed’s packages accessible directly from a debugger such as Visual Studio.


ProGet Enterprise is a High Availability instance that provides stability even at heavy load times, keeping performance standards high and maintaining usability at the enterprise level. Ensuring access to your packages whenever you need them.


Users and Groups add a level of granular control and security within ProGet. By associating users with a group or groups, organization are able to permit and restrict access to appropriate users. ProGet supports AD Domain Forest, LDAP and the built-in user directory.

If you’re interested in a very basic tool with only support for NuGet feeds, check out NuGet Server