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401 (anonymous user not authorized to add packages to this feed)

  • *names changed in log for security purposes.

    We recently added an SSL cert to our ProGet server and set up an HTTPS redirect. When using the NuGet Push step in TFS (pushing to 'https://xtest.wanlink.us/nuget/OurFeed' or any other feed, it fails with the below error. However, it ONLY fails using TFS Git as a source in the build. On ProGet, when putting these URIs in the proxy config test, it indicates success. All accounts are permissioned correctly in ProGet.

    Is this a ProGet issue or TFS Git issue?

    Pushing SmokeTest.XXXX.nupkg to 'https://xtest.wanlink.us/nuget/OurFeed'...
    PUT https://xtest.wanlink.us/nuget/OurFeed
    CredentialProvider.TeamBuild: "E:\Agent\CorporateApplications (IL1CABUILD01-TEST)_work_tasks\NuGetCommand_333b11bd-d341-40d9-afcf-b32d5ce6f23b\2.0.24\node_modules\nuget-task-common\NuGet\CredentialProvider
    CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe" -uri https://xtest.wanlink.us/nuget/OurFeed -nonInteractive -verbosity detailed
    CredentialProvider.TeamBuild: URI Prefixes:
    CredentialProvider.TeamBuild: https://tfstest/HoldingCompany/
    CredentialProvider.TeamBuild: URI: https://xtest.wanlink.us/nuget/OurFeed
    CredentialProvider.TeamBuild: Is retry: False
    CredentialProvider.TeamBuild: Matched prefix:
    CredentialProvider.TeamBuild: This provider only handles URIs from the build's Team Project Collection
    Unauthorized https://xtest.wanlink.us/nuget/OurFeed 944ms
    System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (anonymous user not authorized to add packages to this feed).
    at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.1.4

  • This appears to be an issue with the TFS credentials provider - the 401 status code means credentials were not supplied (and the error message confirms that as well); but typically clients should followup with a 2nd request that includes credentials when the 401 is received.

    If credentials are actually sent and are invalid/forbidden, then a 403 would be returned by ProGet.

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