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Update Git extension for BuildMaster to support paths longer than 260 characters?

  • Unfortunately, some paths in my Git repository are longer than the Windows 'MAX_PATH' limit; I'm seeing errors in the build log like the following:

    Applying label '1.1.1'.
    Arguments: get "https://git-user-name:password@git-service.example.com/Code/Repositories/Group/my-repository.git" "refs/heads/master"
    Working Directory: C:\BuildMaster\_SVCTMP\GitRepositories\my-repository.git

    Executing C:\BuildMaster_SVCTMP\ExtTemp\Git\lilgit.exe
    An unhandled exception occurred while executing this action: System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to make directory 'C:/BuildMaster/_SVCTMP/GitRepositories/my-repository.git/this-was-a-really-long-path': The filename or extension is too long. at Inedo.BuildMasterExtensions.Git.Clients.LilGitClient.UpdateLocalRepo(IGitRepository repo, String branch, String tag) at Inedo.BuildMasterExtensions.Git.GitSourceControlProviderCommon.ApplyLabel(String label, String sourcePath) at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions.SourceControl.ApplyLabelAction.Execute() at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions.ProviderBasedAction`1.Execute(IActionCancellationToken cancellationToken) at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions.ActionBase.Execute(IActionCancellationToken cancellationToken, ExecutionContext context, ExtensionConfigurerBase extensionConfigurer, Boolean resumeNextOnError, Boolean logErrorsAsWarnings)

    I'm guessing that the relevant code could be modified to use different Windows API methods that aren't limited to MAX_PATH.

  • We have considered adding support for this, but we've found that virtually no tools (including msbuild) will function with these long paths either.

    As a test, you may try switching to use the regular "git.exe" client with the source control provider; I'm not sure if we added support for that with the built-in client (lilgit.exe).

  • I am getting this same issue, i guess the best thing to do is to use a third party app like Long Path Tool. Just download it and use it to solve this issue. I hope this would help.

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