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Push Nupkg to ProGet failing with Authentication Error

  • Hi there :)

    I was previously running a TeamCity nuget feed which was unreliable so I am trialling ProGet.

    I have successfully installed a ProGet server on a dedicated server :)

    We use Teamcity to create nupkg packages and I want to integrate the Teamcity NuGet Publish Build Step to upload packages to ProGet. When I perform a NuGet publish from Teamcity, it fails with error

    	[08:45:12]Step 3/3: Publish to ProGet (ABT Prod server) (NuGet Publish)
    	[08:45:12][Step 3/3] push: Publish package Build\packages\SciChart.
    	[08:45:12][push] NuGet command: C:\BuildAgent\plugins\nuget-agent\bin\JetBrains.TeamCity.NuGetRunner.exe C:\BuildAgent\tools\NuGet.CommandLine.DEFAULT.nupkg\tools\NuGet.exe push C:\BuildAgent\work\fd34bcf86028b09c\Build\packages\SciChart. %%teamcity_nuget_api_key_1404377112639%% -Source http://anonymised-feed-url'
    	[08:45:12][push] Starting: C:\BuildAgent\temp\agentTmp\custom_script681410212521114575.cmd
    	[08:45:12][push] in directory: C:\BuildAgent\work\fd34bcf86028b09c\Build\packages
    	[08:45:12][push] JetBrains TeamCity NuGet Runner 8.0.27692.9
    	[08:45:12][push] Registered additional extensions from paths: C:\BuildAgent\plugins\nuget-agent\bin\plugins-2.5
    	[08:45:12][push] Starting NuGet.exe 2.8.50506.491 from C:\BuildAgent\tools\NuGet.CommandLine.DEFAULT.nupkg\tools\NuGet.exe
    	[08:45:13][push] Pushing SciChart to 'http://anonymised-feed-url'...
    	[08:45:13][push] Failed to process request. 'There was an error processing the request: You are not authorized to add a package to this feed. By default, ProGet is not configured to allow unauthenticated users to publish packages to a feed. You will need to either authenticate (by using "name:pass" as your API Key) or give the Anonymous User the Feeds_AddPackage privilege.'. 
    	[08:45:13][push] The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden..
    	[08:45:13][push] Process exited with code 1
    	[08:45:13][Step 3/3] Step Publish to ProGet (ABT Prod server) (NuGet Publish) failed

    Now I couldn't get the suggested Name:Pass API key method to work either this fails with error too.

    	[08:51:31]Step 3/3: Publish to ProGet (ABT Prod server) (NuGet Publish)
    	[08:51:31][Step 3/3] push: Publish package Build\packages\SciChart.
    	[08:51:31][push] NuGet command: C:\BuildAgent\plugins\nuget-agent\bin\JetBrains.TeamCity.NuGetRunner.exe C:\BuildAgent\tools\NuGet.CommandLine.DEFAULT.nupkg\tools\NuGet.exe push C:\BuildAgent\work\fd34bcf86028b09c\Build\packages\SciChart. %%teamcity_nuget_api_key_1404377491436%% -Source  http://anonymised-feed-url'
    	[08:51:31][push] Starting: C:\BuildAgent\temp\agentTmp\custom_script2375221507479887116.cmd
    	[08:51:31][push] in directory: C:\BuildAgent\work\fd34bcf86028b09c\Build\packages
    	[08:51:31][push] JetBrains TeamCity NuGet Runner 8.0.27692.9
    	[08:51:31][push] Registered additional extensions from paths: C:\BuildAgent\plugins\nuget-agent\bin\plugins-2.5
    	[08:51:31][push] Starting NuGet.exe 2.8.50506.491 from C:\BuildAgent\tools\NuGet.CommandLine.DEFAULT.nupkg\tools\NuGet.exe
    	[08:51:32][push] Pushing SciChart to 'http://anonymised-feed-url'...
    	[08:51:32][push] Failed to process request. 'There was an error processing the request: Invalid API key.'. 
    	[08:51:32][push] The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden..
    	[08:51:32][push] Process exited with code 1
    	[08:51:32][Step 3/3] Step Publish to ProGet (ABT Prod server) (NuGet Publish) failed
    	[08:51:32]Publishing internal artifacts

    So, eventually I had to allow the anonymous user to have the Feeds_AddPackage privilege, which as you can imagine, is not idea.

    Can you tell me how to enable NuGet publish from Teamcity to ProGet using authentication?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.0

  • A few troubleshooting questions:

    • Do you have an API key specified for the feed? This would mean Admin:Admin doesn't work
    • Did you change the default Admin password?
    • Can you push if you manually run the nuget.exe command line?

    Beyond that, not sure how this could happen. Is TeamCity mangling the Admin:Admin key somehow (e.g. replacing : with something?) You could verify this with a Fiddler trace.

    Also, what is the actual command line value that TeamCity is running? It looks like the task is running:

    NuGet.exe push C:\...\SciChart. %%teamcity_nuget_api_key_1404377491436%% -Source  http://feed-url

    which does not have the -ApiKey argument at first glance.

  • I am also having the same problem as the op. I have Windows Authentication enabled and the output is as follows:

    [15:52:57]Step 6/6: Nuget Publish (NuGet Publish)
    [15:52:57][Step 6/6] push: Publish package build\packages\UniRush.Utilities.Hsm.
    [15:52:57][push] NuGet command: E:\TeamCity\buildAgent2\tools\NuGet.CommandLine.DEFAULT.nupkg\tools\NuGet.exe push E:\TeamCity\buildAgent2\work\7116b8738cad15f3\build\packages\UniRush.Utilities.Hsm. %%teamcity_nuget_api_key_1467143577146%% -Source https://proget.rushcard.net/nuget/legacy.release
    [15:52:57][push] Starting: E:\TeamCity\buildAgent2\temp\agentTmp\custom_script8897161549051085458.cmd
    [15:52:57][push] in directory: E:\TeamCity\buildAgent2\work\7116b8738cad15f3\build\packages
    [15:52:57][push] Pushing UniRush.Utilities.Hsm. to 'https://proget.rushcard.net/nuget/legacy.release'...
    [15:52:57][push]   PUT https://proget.rushcard.net/nuget/legacy.release/
    [15:52:57][push]   Forbidden https://proget.rushcard.net/nuget/legacy.release/ 80ms
    [15:52:57][push] Please provide credentials for: https://proget.rushcard.net/nuget/legacy.release
    [15:52:57][push] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    [15:52:57][push] UserName: Password: 
    [15:52:57][push] Process exited with code 1
    [15:52:57][Step 6/6] Step Nuget Publish (NuGet Publish) failed

    Any help from one side or the other would be great. I guess I'll start working on a custom nuget / command line solution while I am waiting.


  • I got the same error message, the true reason was shown in Proget Admin ui: "An error occurred processing a PUT request to http://bhmc1787.sirona.org:81/nuget/[....] already exists and the user Anonymous does not have the Feeds_OverwritePackage privilege."

  • Same issue here, tried with Local Users, LDAP and Windows AD, with and without API.

    Did anyone managed to solve this?


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