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Renaming a deployable in a duplicated application

  • Hi Tod,

    Following on from my Import Plan - Nullable Object must have a value issue...

    Importing a xml file.

     I have upgraded to 4.3.8  and my original problem is now fixed - thanks.

    Cloning applications

     Also duplicating an application now works - thanks.


    When I rename the deployable in the cloned application - I find that not all the references to the deployable in the xml are changed. ( It might also be renaming a deployable in general - I have only tried it an application that was duplicated.)

    Below is a snippet of xml showing a successful rename (ResearchPapersAlert) and an unsuccessful rename (FactSheetGenerator)

    FYI This application has a single deployable.

     <ActionGroup DeploymentPlanActionGroupId="4396" DeploymentPlanActionGroupSequence="4" ActionGroupId="4399" Active="Y" Shared="N" Parallel="N" IterateServers="N" IterateDeployables="N" OnFailureContinue="N" DeployableName="ResearchPapersAlert">
        <Name>Build App</Name>
        <Description> build/compile action.</Description>
          <Action ActionSequence="1" ServerId="1" RetryCount="0" Active="Y" ResumeNextOnFailure="N" LogFailureAsWarning="N" Name="Build $CurrentDirectory\$ApplicationName.sln" Description="with Debug configuration to $CurrentDirectory">
            <Inedo.BuildMasterExtensions.WindowsSdk.MSBuild.BuildMSBuildProjectAction Assembly="WindowsSdk">
              <Properties ProjectBuildConfiguration="Debug" ProjectPath="$ApplicationName.sln" MSBuildProperties="" IsWebProject="False" BuildToProjectConfigSubdirectories="False" LogErrorsAsWarnings="False" _ExecutionId="0" OverriddenSourceDirectory="" OverriddenTargetDirectory="" Timeout="0" />
      <ActionGroup DeploymentPlanActionGroupId="4397" DeploymentPlanActionGroupSequence="5" ActionGroupId="4400" Active="Y" Shared="N" Parallel="N" IterateServers="N" IterateDeployables="N" OnFailureContinue="N" DeployableName="FactSheetGenerator">
        <Name>Unit Tests</Name>
          <Action ActionSequence="1" RetryCount="0" Active="Y" ResumeNextOnFailure="N" LogFailureAsWarning="N" Name="Execute NUnit Tests" Description="Run NUnit Unit Tests on ${ApplicationName}UnitTests.dll">
            <Inedo.BuildMasterExtensions.NUnit.NUnitAppAction Assembly="NUnit">
              <Properties ExePath="" TestFile="${ApplicationName}UnitTests.dll" FrameworkVersion="" AdditionalArguments="" CustomXmlOutputPath="" TreatInconclusiveAsFailure="True" GroupName="Unit Tests" LogErrorsAsWarnings="False" _ExecutionId="0" OverriddenSourceDirectory="" Timeout="0" />

    It seems If I make some sort of edit to the action group, or even just save it, the system recognises that the deployable has changed and renames it.

    Broken Link

    BTW you have a broken link on the website - on page

    The database providers link fails.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.3.8

  • Thanks for the bug reports. This renaming bug will be fixed in the next release. It's only a SQL/stored proc change, so if you would like a patch to fix it against your DB, we can send it to you.

    We've also fixed the broken link and that will be updated on our next website push. Thanks for letting us know!

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