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Configuration Files

  • I was looking at creating the "Configuration Files" for the applications I'm importing into BuildMaster and using the directions on the Getting a Simple Application Into BuildMaster article, I see the comment:

    From this window we could also load the files from source control, load from a server registered in BuildMaster, or upload a file from our machine.

    This Window it is referring to is the Edit Configuration window where you can paste in the text (in this example a web.config file. I do not see the options to load from source control, from a server, or upload a file.

    Am I missing something?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.8.3

  • The "load from" options were removed in v4.5, I'll add a note to remove that from the tutorial. Updating the screenshots is already on the list to update as well.

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