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Proget PowerShell feed: How to publish?

  • I'm very keen to use the new PowerShell feed type in ProGet to host our internal modules and scripts, but I can't seem to find information on how to actually publish a module or a script to the feed.

    Is the feed compatible with PowershellGet and its functions, i.e. Register-PSRepository and Publish-Module? I can register the feed as a repo just fine.

    Using the following syntax to try and publish a module:

    publish-module -path <path-to-module> -NuGetApiKey <apikey> -Repository <repositoryname> -verbose

    I get the following error:

    Publish-PSArtifactUtility : Failed to publish module 'SR-Sysops-AWS': 'Failed to process request. 'There was an error processing the request:
    Invalid package version was specified.'.

    Please provide some guidance as to how to publish modules and scripts to a Powershell feed.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.1.1

  • With regards to my question above, I have found this blog article that has helped me:


    It talks about Proget and using a Nuget feed type, but the same methodology applies using the Powershell feed type.

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