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Email not working for multiple addresses

  • Hi,

    When I send email notifications to multiple addresses (which I've seprated by a space now, rather than a semi-colon ), the email isn't received.
    Sending to a single email address works fine.



    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.0.11

  • Hello; we can't reproduce this on our end (or I should say, sending to multiple addresses works quite allright), and it hasn't changed in quite a while (4.5 or so).

    It might be an intermediate service that's blocking it?

  • Hi,

    OK, thanks I'll have to send a couple of individual emails then as it just won't work.
    The SMTP log file just shows the one email address.

    Should the email separator be a space or a semi colon?

    In version 4.9 I'm using a semi colon, but that doesn't work in 5.1.1.

    Unhandled exception: System.FormatException: An invalid character was found in the mail header: ';'.


  • It should be a new line.

    When you save the event listener, it should say something like "Send an email to 2 addresses" instead of "Send an email to email1@something; email2@something".

    Then, it will be persisted and seen correctly as a list.

  • Hi,

    OK, thanks. I'll give that a go.

    Just have another issue since upgrading.. :-( I'll create a new ticket.


  • Hello,

    I'm still struggling with this.

    "When you save the event listener, it should say something like "Send an email to 2 addresses" instead of "Send an email to email1@something; email2@something". Then, it will be persisted and seen correctly as a list."

    Do you mean save the plan?
    The help when I visually add the email function states "a single email address may be used, or a list variable containing multiple email addresses"
    I've tried creating a list variable, but I can't find the correct format for this, can you tell me how to do this please.



  • I was referring to the Pipeline, i.e... Pipelines > ["Standard"] > Post-Deployment > add event > Email Listener

    Is that what you were using? Or, are you referring to a OtterScript plan?

  • Hi,

    Just in the Otter Script. We just send notification emails, once the deployment is complete.


  • Hi David,

    In this case, you'll need to use the "list syntax" of @(...). This will look like:

        To: @(address1@somewhere.com,address2@elsewhere.com)

    We will try to fix the editor soon so that it allows you to enter one per line.

  • Hi,

    Great thanks. Just what I needed. I couldn't work out how to get the list to work.


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