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Mark stage success only if all its targets success when multiple targets in a stage

  • Hi,

    Currently during the release package, a stage is marked success if any of its target is success, irregardless whether other targets in the same stage is failed or not.

    Is it possible to change the behavior so that
    (1) to mark the stage success only after all its targets are success? And
    (2) if any of its target fails, the stage should be marked as fail.

    This sounds more logical to me than the current behavior. Please advise. Thanks.


    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.3.4

  • Hi Aris,

    The current behavior is "if any of its target fails, the stage should be marked as fail", so the behavior you describe may be a bug of some sorts. Here is a simple reproduction:

    1. Create three Plans (Sleep1, Sleep5, Sleep10)
      • Sleep1 is "sleep 1;"
      • Sleep5 is "sleep 5; fail;"
      • Sleep10 is "sleep 10;"
    2. Create Pipeline with two stages (1, 2)
      • 1 has three targets: Sleep1+Int, Sleep5+Test, Sleep10+Prod
      • 2 has no targets
    3. Create a release with pipeline and a package

    The promotion should be failed then. It's possible you configured differently ... can you gather and submit a ticket with some more details?

  • Hi Alana,

    I have raised a ticket #EDO-1667. When I tested your suggested pipeline, it works as you described. But if I change the environment to the same (say Int) in the stage 1, and create a target in stage 2 (optional, this is just to make it proceed). Stage 1 will pass and package will pass too, despite the Sleep5 in stage 1 failed. My changed pipeline is below:

    Create three Plans (Sleep1, Sleep5, Sleep10)
    Sleep1 is "sleep 1;"
    Sleep5 is "sleep 5; fail;"
    Sleep10 is "sleep 10;"

    1. Create Pipeline with two stages (1, 2)
      1 has three targets: Sleep1+Int, Sleep5+Int, Sleep10+Int
      2 has 1 target: Sleep1+Prod

    3.Create a release with pipeline and a package

  • Thanks; I can see the issue, it appears if the environment is the same, then this may occur, depending on which one fails first. We will investigate.

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