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Subversion tagging support

  • I found out that tagging for Subversion is not working with OtterScript plans but it works just fine with the legacy plans.

    Apparently there is no Apply-Tag operation and the Apply-Label only gives this error:
    ERROR: The Subversion provider does not support labeling/tagging. Consider using the "Apply-Label" operation instead. For more information, consult the documentation on Source Control Integration.

    Unfortunately I couldn't find anything useful in the documentation.

    However, when I was toying around with the converted legacy plan I noticed that there is Execute-LegacyAction operation but it would be nice to have a proper support for it.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.3.6

  • This will be added as an Operation in the next release; look for [BM-2218]. IUn the mean time, the legacy action is a good work-around.

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