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BuildMaster Performance question

  • We have some legacy apps that I am deploying with BuildMaster and with how these apps are deployed for our staging area it means a very long deployment log.
    This seems to slow BuildMaster, at least the UI, considerably.
    Looking on the server it is not using a lot of memory so I was wondering if there was some way for me to make it utilize more memory?
    Also, is there a way to have the Include Debug option for the log output to be unchecked by default?


    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.8.3

  • I believe the issue is related to the "Execution in Progress Page", which is the "live view" page of the execution, and shows logs like a big textbox.

    The slowness seems to be more related to client interaction, at least in our exploration.

    So we have decided to limit this view to previous ~500 entries in v6; you will notice a big improvement for such large log, and can see full details in the details page.

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