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Is there a way to make a diagnostic of the application ?

  • Hi,

    We have a monitoring application (Zabbix) that call pages for diagnostic. Is there a page or an api that could give information about the stat of ProGet ?

    Many thanks.



    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.0.12

  • inedo-engineer

    I'm not familiar with Zabbix, but there are two things you can do to check about the status of the components (Database, Web, Service):

    • If the database (SQL Server) wasn't working, or there was a problem with the website configuration, then visiting / will yield a 500 or some other not available message.

    • You can just query the ProGet service run state directly.

    • You could parse the text on the /connectors page or use the native API to get a status of the connectors.

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