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AD configuration

  • Hello.

    I installed from the scratch Enterprise trial Proget server (it is standalone vm with Windows Server OS). How can I enable AD authentication?

    Kind regards,
    J F

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.1.1

  • Hello.
    Thank you, I already have tried it but looks like it will work for domain-joined vm. In my case when I am trying to set new Active Directory I got message about unassigned privileges. When I am trying to assign privileges, by clicking "Add Permission" and writing principals - I don't get any information.

  • If you are connecting from a VM that isn't joined to the domain, you need to install the latest Inedo Core extension (i.e. at least v1.0.6) from the Admin > Extensions page (the extension was shipped after the ProGet release).

    You would also have to point it at the AD server via Admin > Change User Directory (LDAP) > Advanced > edit "Active Directory (New)", and set the LDAP host or IP there. You can perform most search tests / diagnostics there.

  • Make sure you change the proget webservice to run as a user account that has domain access and not use the local system account on the server.

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