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Why can't I see symbols feed

  • Hello,

    I have created both a nuget package, and the associated Symbols Package, for a library that I am creating, and I have pushed both to the ProGet Server that I have setup.

    When I access:


    I can see that it says:

    "Symbols and source files are available"

    However, when I try to access:


    I get a 404.

    If I try to access:


    This works.

    Based on the documentation that I have read, I am expecting to see the symbols/mypackages available, and this is the url that I would use within Visual Studio. Is this not the case?



  • You need to enter this URL in Visual Studio, not in your browser; the symbol/source are not browsable.

    It's just an API endpoint used by Visual Studio.

  • Thanks for the answer...

    one follow up question. Am i right in saying though that you have to "nuget pack" both the symbols.nupkg and the nupkg package to the same url? It is not enough to just do the symbols.nupkg?



  • In general, yes. NuGet does not actually understand the difference between "symbol" and "non-symbol" packages as it strips the ".symbol" from the name before sending the file to a server.

    Thus, on a combined feed (like ProGet uses), there's no for ProGet to know what an incoming package is. All that's pushed to the feed is the package ID and a package file.

  • Hello,

    Thanks for the reply. I have started pushing just the Symbols package, and this seems to be working really well.



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