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Update Dependencies for older version of NuGet package in ProGet

  • Is there a way to easily update the dependencies for a NuGet package? We need to cap the max version of an associated NuGet, and are trying to find out how to update the dependencies without deleting the package and re-promoting it. We have updated the .nuspec file with the updated dependencies, but that doesn't show in ProGet UI or when looking at the package from VS2017.


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.1.11

  • I'm not sure if I totally understand the question, but packages are designed to be immutable, and as such you really can't "update" them. You can delete or overwrite a package if you have permissions, but it's inadvisable and you should not make this part of your workflow.

    In addition to being against the fundamental package workflow/design guidelines, packages are cached by clients like Visual Studio, and won't see a "new version" of a "version" of a package.

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