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Failed tests in Gallio not easily Identifiable

  • We are using Gallio for our Testing.

    When all the test pass, in the execution details I have link to a Unit Tests Details page that has an individual log for each test - which is great!

    But when a test fails, there is no link to the Unit Tests Details page, all I have is a log which records all the tests results. So I have to trawl through all the test results looking for failures.

    I assume this is a bug as the Unit Test Detail is only really interesting when a test fails. If it isn't, please could we at least have the failures appear in red in log - like the compiler errors.

    Thank you.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.1.3

  • That seems odd - it's possible Gallio changed the output format of the tests and they are no longer registering correctly as failures in BuildMaster.

    Can you post the issue on GitHub? https://github.com/Inedo/bmx-gallio/issues

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