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Deploy specific files?

  • Is there an example of creating a simple deployment plan for msbuild? I'm sure the problems I'm having have simple answers...

    I have a C# solution and project checked into subversion. I created a project in BuildMaster with an empty deployment plan, and started from scratch.

    I have a "Get Latest" action that is successfully checking out the project from SVN.

    I have a "Build MSBuild Project" action that is successfully compiling the project.

    I have a "Create Build Artifact" action that is successfully creating a zipfile of the entire project directory.

    I have a "Deploy Build Artifact" action that successfully unzipping the project to my specified destination directory.

    My problem? I don't want to deploy the entire build directory, I only want to deploy the single DLL.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.1.7

  • There are a few ways to do this, you could either create an artifact of the single DLL by deleting everything in the build directory except that DLL using masking, or deploy the artifact to the default directory then use the Transfer Files action with the path to the file name in the mask.

  • I tried deploying to the default directory, and then using Transfer Files to copy only the file in question. That worked, but provided no indication of error if the file name didn't exist.

  • There's no file verification per se as the mask is simply a string mask... there would be times where no matching is ideal - it all depends on the situation. If you wanted, you could log all the entries, it's part of the action's configuration.

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