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Execution Log Crashes Browser

  • Hi There,

    As of BuildMaster 4.3.4 we can no longer access our Build Log as part of the Execution Log.
    At present it crashes Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox, however Firefox is the only one that is actually able to load the load the log. Our build logs for this particular product are quite large and at present due to existing legacy code we have ~3.5k warnings being generated which results in a build log that is about 5000 lines.

    Is this a limitation of knockout and the way that the page is being bound?

    Please see the screenshot below:
    Image Text

    This has not been an issue in the past, I assume that since you have changed from a pure text log to using knockout to bind the page that there may be some limitation in the size of what can be rendered?

    Thanks and Regards,

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.3.4

  • Yes, that does look like a knockout size limitation. This is exactly why we did not use knockout for the execution in progress page, but didn't consider that individual action logs would be that large. We will rework this for the 4.3.5 maintenance release, or at the very least expose a link to the original log page as a workaround for this issue.

  • Hi Tod,

    Thanks heaps, that makes sense to me.
    Thanks for the quick reply.


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