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Packages pushed from the command line not showing up in feed

  • Hello,

    I'm having an issue where devs cannot push packages with the nuget command line. The nuget exe does not report any errors (and in fact says the package was pushed), but the packages never show up in the feed they are pushing to.

    We are using ProGet 3.1.2 Build 1, and multiple version of the nuget exe have been used, including 2.8.50126.400 and 2.8.50320.36 (and probably a few more).

    Every time this has been reported, a dev has been trying to 'promote' a package. The package exists in our unstable feed, and after testing, is pushed to the stable feed. It is at this point we have the issue.

    Pushing is always done using an anonymous user and an api key. The anonymous user has the following permission: Feeds_AddPackage, Feeds_DownloadPackage, Feeds_ViewFeed, Feeds_Overwrite
    (not sure Feeds_Overwrite is needed because a new version is being pushed in this case)



    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.2

  • Is the ProGet service running? If not, start it. If it is running, try restarting it.

    If that doesn't work, can you check out this thread: http://inedo.com/support/questions/2199

  • Hi Tod,

    Restarting the service fixed the issue. I broke a few CI builds, but oh well! Thanks for the help.

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