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ProGet Package Retention Policy

  • In our environment the packages "nuget" (nupkg) grow day by day.

    We need to keep at least 3 versions of each.

    We are deleting manually by Proget, but several gigabytes of content.

    How can automatically perform this cleaning / maintenance?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 2.2.3

  • UPDATE: This is now supported through ProGet Retention Policies.

    As of the current version, we don't have a formal retention policy in ProGet, but we are planning to add one.

    For now, you can just write a PowerShell or batch script that can delete the packages you no longer need. If you don't use pre-release it should be pretty easy to parse the version from the file name of the packages on disk, as they are in the format [package_name].[version].nupkg

  • Note: we have now scheduled this feature for v3.6

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