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ProGet Connector/Cache version management

  • We want to have connectors and cache packages from other repos, including nuget.org. The problem we have though, is that we have to use certain versions of packages since those have been tested with our code. We upgrade to newer packages, but we have to carefully test each one as we upgrade. So I was wondering if we could use filter out specific versions of specific packages?

    So far we have been manually mirroring over those packages to our internal NuGet Gallery. Do you have a best practice for this with ProGet? Thanks!

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.5.8

  • The manual process is pretty much the only option right now. I think most commonly users that have this workflow will use a connector with no filtering to pull the specific packages they want from the UI, then disable the connector.

    We would be interested in adding better support for this though- basically, you are looking for the ability to whitelist or blacklist certain versions/ranges of versions of specific packages, correct?

  • Yep. And if we could control the ranges at major, minor and patch, that would be awesome! Thank you!

  • I'd be interested in this feature as well. We want to use the NPM registry but prevent developers from pulling newer versions that haven't been tested with our software.

    We'd also like to block on major, minor and patch revisions.


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