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Log files

  • How do I view BuildMaster log files?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.8.6

  • Which logs are you referring to?

    There are the Error logs, in Admin > Errors.

    There are the live service logs, which you can go to Admin > service to view.

    then there are execution logs, which you can view by going to a build.

    Sometimes, whe there are critical errors that aren't able to be logged to the database, then things are also logged to the Windows Event Log.

  • For example, I am getting recurring warnings in the Admin > Error logs - and I was thinking log files might have more information.

    A WebException occurred when attempting to load extension components XML: The operation has timed out

    and this one - I don't know which server is it trying to connect to:
    Unable to connect to the remote server

  • Ah, I see -- everything is logged to that in the database, there are no additional files. The error log is primarily for diagnostic purposes, and sometimes errors are expected.

    That particular error, for example, it sounds like your server is trying to connect to Inedo.com to see the available extensions. It's OK if you can't do that, but, that's where it's logged.

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