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"No packages found" in NuGet package manager

  • Updated my ProGet from 3.x to 4.7.3 and everything appears fine with the feeds in the web interface, but in VS NuGet package manager it can't find any packages. This has never been an issue before. The REST 'Packages' call still shows all packages.

    PM> Get-Package -ListAvailable
    No packages found in the current package source.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.3

  • We've gotten a few other reports about missing results, though we haven't heard of everything being missing before, but this all seems to work in our environment.

    It's possible that this is related to NuGet targetFramework specifiers, as we switched to using an official NuGet library to handle that resolution in v4.7.x to eliminate corner cases, but unfortunately it seems to have introduced its own issues. We will likely publish an updated version tomorrow that disables this filtering entirely.

  • Sounds like that's probably the problem.

    I switched the project's framework to 4.5 and some packages started showing up. Most of our packages don't actually have target frameworks specified - these packages will never show up.

  • Yeah, I have the same problem, if I change TargetFramework from net45 to net452 they show up.

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