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Error on creating builds

  • Hi, was going through the tutorial to add simple application to BuildMaster,got through to the end of the tutorial, however when i tried creating a build it broke. Error from the log:

    Executing Get Latest Command
    Arguments: info "C:\BuildMaster_SVCTMP_A10_S11\WRK" "--xml" --non-interactive --trust-server-cert --username "username" --password "password"
    Executing C:\BuildMaster_SVCTMP\ExtTemp\Subversion\Resources\svn.exe
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    svn: E155007: 'C:\BuildMaster_SVCTMP_A10_S11\WRK' is not a working copy.

    It does check-out all the files from svn which means Subversion is connected.
    No idea how to fix it, I am not sure if there is a configuration problem.
    BuildMaster v 3.6.5(self-hosted)

  • This is likely a subversion/workstation configuration problem. Sometimes two versions of Svn.exe -- the one you installed (like tortoise svn) and the one built-in to the extension -- cause conflicting configuration.

    Try to change the provider configuration (Admin > Source Control) to point to your own svn.exe instead of the built-in client.

    Also, try to change the option to use SVN UPDATE instead of EXPORT for this provider.

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